May 2, 2009

The Ministry of Friendship

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Teaching

6 characteristics of ministry in friendship.

May 2, 2009

Unlimited Petitions

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series John14 Topics Expository

How, why, and what to pray for according to God's will.

April 25, 2009

The Masters Touch

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Teaching

God uses our problems to make us Christ-like.

April 25, 2009


Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Teaching

What's stopping YOU from accepting Jesus as Savior?

April 18, 2009

Willful Disobedience

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Life of Saul Topics Textual

God gives Saul his final test to choose either to give God thhe glory or to keep the glory for himself.

April 18, 2009

Greater Works

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series John14 Topics Expository

What is the reason for the disciples "greater works'?

April 4, 2009

25th Annniversary

Speaker Pastor John Beals

Share with us as we celebrate IBC's 25 years together as we reflect on how the church began.

March 28, 2009

Excessive Demands (part 7)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Life of Saul Topics Textual

What happens when we don't have patience to do things God's way and in God's time.

March 28, 2009

Who is Jesus? (part 11)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series John14 Topics Expository

All that Jesus is, how to know Him, and how there is no REAL life (on earth or eternally in Heaven) without Him.

March 21, 2009

Victory by Faith (part 6)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Life of Saul Topics Textual

How one man put his faith in action as he went into battle outnumbered and came out victorious.

March 21, 2009

Knowing the Way (part 10)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Farewell Discourse Topics Expository

A simple answer to life's most important question about eterrnal life.

March 14, 2009

Independent Action

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Life of Saul Topics Expository

Turning to the Lord instead of our own devices.